![]() If there’s one thing I do a lot, it’s write. I write press releases, blogs, website content, marketing material for brochures, advertorials, the list goes on. Each has its own style and often, as in the case of blogs for my clients, its own voice. Sometimes the writing comes easily, the research goes well, my thoughts flow, and my fingers fly on the keyboard. Before I know it, the first draft is done. On other occasions it can be like giving birth – slow and painful – but when it’s done I feel like a proud parent. Regardless of what I am writing, I always try to give my writing time to breathe. Depending on my deadlines, this can be for a few minutes, a few hours, or even for a day or two. Novelists tell tales of letting their writing sit for weeks. Unfortunately, I don’t have that luxury. During the course of writing I might be interrupted by a phone call from a frantic client, an e-mail, a text message from one of my kids, or a dog that just can’t wait any longer to go out. Ah, the pleasures of working from home! While it can be a bad thing, because such interruptions can cut into the flow of my writing, it also can serve as a stopping point for me to review what I wrote and perhaps revise my work. (A little insight here, I often pause after writing five or six paragraphs and review what I wrote, making revisions along the way).
9/21/2016 0 Comments YouTube launches new “Community”![]() The competition for social engagement is heating up with the announcement from YouTube that it is launching YouTube Community. YouTube calls it a “simple way to engage with your viewers and express yourself beyond video.” Brands soon will be able to text, post live videos, images, animated GIFs and more in real time. Viewers will be able to see the posts in the subscriptions feed on their phones and can opt into getting a notification anytime a post is made. It looks sort of like a hybrid of various social media channels all in one place. In its beta stage, the new tab is only available to a select group of YouTube creators right now, but YouTube says plans are to make the Community tab available to everyone in the months ahead. To see how it works, you can check out the vlogbrothers an Internet-based show created and hosted by novelist John Green (The Fault in Our Stars) and Hank Green (co-creator of VidCon) or singer and producer Peter Hollens. Ironically, earlier this month YouTube notified the vlogbrothers that some of their videos were not approved for monetization because the content was not advertiser friendly. The company giveth with one hand and taketh away with the other. The idea is to allow YouTube creators to interact on a more personal level with their viewers than just posting and responding to comments. With so many social media options, one has to wonder how valuable this new community tab will be. What do you think? AuthorSusan R. Miller is founder of Garton-Miller Media, a full-service, South Florida based public relations firm. Susan is a former journalist with more than 30 years of experience. In addition to public relations, she provides web content writing, press releases, social media, photography and videography. She has two daughters, three golden retrievers and two cats, but just one guinea pig who is happy not to have to share his cage or his daily stash of veggies with anyone. |
October 2017
Garton-Miller Media is a full-service, South Florida-based public relations firm. Founder Susan R. Miller has 30 years of experience as a writer, journalist and PR professional. Categories
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We are a results-oriented, Raleigh, North Carolina-based public relations and content marketing firm serving clients nationwide. We focus our practice on media relations, content creation and social media.
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We are a results-oriented, Raleigh, North Carolina-based public relations and content marketing firm serving clients nationwide. We focus our practice on media relations, content creation and social media.